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Profesyonel Emlak

Regarding the Recent Developments in Our Region

Regarding the Recent Developments in Our Region

No: 59, 14 April 2024, Regarding the Recent Developments in Our Region


Our warnings about the risk of spillover and escalation of Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza have long been repeated to all our counterparts.





The Israeli attack on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, which violated international law, further raised our concerns. Iran’s retaliation to this attack and subsequent developments have once again demonstrated that events could quickly escalate into a regional war.

Before the incident, we spoke with the Iranian and US authorities and urged restraint. The mutual expectations and messages of the parties were also relayed by Türkiye, and necessary initiatives were taken to ensure that the reactions were proportionate.

Today, we are once again sending clear messages to the Iranian authorities and to the Western countries that have an influence on Israel, to urge all to put an end to the escalation.





We will continue our efforts to prevent the triggering of a process that would permanently damage the stability of our region and lead to greater global conflicts.

We have also been closely monitoring the developments related to the security threats to Türkiye in consultation with our relevant institutions, and President Erdoğan is being briefed regularly.







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