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Press Release Regarding the Phone Call of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Sedat Önal, with Permanent Representative of the US to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield

Press Release Regarding the Phone Call of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Sedat Önal, with Permanent Representative of the US to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield



No: 180, 2 June 2022, Press Release Regarding the Phone Call of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Sedat Önal, with Permanent Representative of the US to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield



Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Sedat Önal, held a telephone conversation on 2 June with Permanent Representative of the US to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, upon her request.

While on a visit to Hatay, Permanent Representative Thomas-Greenfield thanked Türkiye’s efforts to find a lasting and sustainable solution to the Syrian conflict through a political process to be advanced on UNSC Resolution 2254, under the auspices of the UN and ownership of Syrian people.

In response to Permanent Representative Thomas-Greenfield’s expression of concerns about Türkiye’s military operation in the north of Syria, Deputy Minister Ambassador Önal emphasized that the PKK/YPG/PYD terrorist organization is an existential threat not only to Syria’s territorial integrity but also to Türkiye’s national security, that the provisions of the separate agreements reached with the US and the Russian Federation in October 2019 have not been fulfilled, that the terrorist threats against Türkiye from the north of Syria have further increased recently, that Türkiye cannot be expected to remain indifferent to these attacks targeting its security forces, civilians as well as areas inside its borders, and advancement of the separatist agenda, and that therefore we will continue to take the necessary measures against the terrorist organizations threatening Türkiye’s vital national security interests.






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